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Is olive wood mentioned in the Bible?

Is olive wood mentioned in the Bible?

The olive tree and by extension, olive wood is frequently mentioned throughout the Bible. It can even be considered one of the most valuable trees to the Hebrews at the time. The first reference to the olive tree is in Genesis 8, when the dove that Noah sent out returned to the ark with an […]

Communion Set from Jerusalem

Olive wood Lord’s Supper sets (communion)

If you thought that olive wood carvings were only statuettes of the Nativity or engravings of biblical scenes, I have a surprise for you. Christian artisans in Israel also create olive wood sets to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Made with aged olive wood, they are intended as gifts of faith for all ages and churches […]

Why an olive wood gift?

Why an olive wood gift?

When buying a gift for someone, one considers a variety of factors. One may consider the price, the likes and dislikes of the recipient, the occasion and the significance of the gift. Even after considering these factors, one also thinks about the durability of the gift. No one wants to gift someone with something that […]

Wooden Crosses from Israel

Wooden Crosses from Israel

Wooden Crosses are the most recognized symbol in Christianity. They represent the essence and foundation of God’s plan of redemption, which consisted of Christ’s sacrifice for the sins of mankind and God’s victory over sin and death. Both Christians and the messianic movement use this cross, which can stand alone or be inside a Star […]

Wooden nativity for your grandchildren

Wooden nativity for your grandchildren

A wooden nativity: Are you looking for a stunning way to bring the beauty and peace of the Nativity to your grandchildren? Look no further than a wooden nativity set from the Holy Land! This unique and timeless piece is sure to fill your home with joy and warmth for years to come. The wooden […]

The Dove Noah Sent Out and the Olive Branch

The Dove Noah Sent Out and the Olive Branch

Welcome to the wonderful world of Olive Wood from Israel! Whether you are a collector of religious artifacts, a lover of nature, or someone who simply loves beautiful pieces of art, from an Olive Branch from Israel is the perfect purchase for you. The Olive Branch is a truly unique example of nature that captures […]

Guide to olive wood Gifts

Are you looking for the perfect gift for the special people in your life? Look no further than the Guide to Olive Wood Gifts from the Holy Land. Carefully crafted from olive trees grown in the land of Israel, these unique gifts are perfect for expressing your love and appreciation. From jewelry and kitchenware to […]

Home blessing - gifts from Jerusalem

Home blessing – gifts from Jerusalem

If you’re looking for the perfect way to show someone special just how much they mean to you, look no further than the Home Blessing – Gifts from Jerusalem. These exquisite offerings are handmade in Jerusalem, providing a timeless reminder of a city that holds so many special memories. Perfect for a special occasion, or […]

The Gospel message in olive wood

The Gospel message in olive wood

We have already said that oil from the olive tree was used to anoint kings and priests in Israel to create the holy anointing oil. In Jeremiah 11:16-17, Israel is described as the olive tree that was planted by God to bear fruit in the land. In the Bible, we are told about the rod, […]

Bible stories carved from olive wood

Bible stories carved from olive wood

It is not only during the Christmas season that nativity scenes are made with olive wood. There are expert artisans who are dedicated to the realization of engravings and carvings of different scenes and biblical passages. Some choose to engrave Noah and the flood, others engrave passages from David’s life as a shepherd in the […]

Olive wood as a family heirloom

Olive wood as a family heirloom

Olive wood is a treasured commodity that many families pass down through the generations. In Israel, it has been used for religious and decorative objects since ancient times. The Olive Wood Ornaments from Israel are the perfect way to share this heirloom with your family. The ornaments are handcrafted in Israel from select pieces of […]

Buying olive wood supports Christians in Israel

Buying olive wood supports Christians in Israel

Are you looking for products that support Christians living in Israel? Look no further than olive wood products made in Israel! Olive wood is the perfect way to show your support for Christians in Israel. Olive wood has long been used to craft beautiful pieces of art, from carvings to figurines and home décor items. […]

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