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Olive wood as a family heirloom

Olive wood as a family heirloom

Olive wood is a treasured commodity that many families pass down through the generations. In Israel, it has been used for religious and decorative objects since ancient times. The Olive Wood Ornaments from Israel are the perfect way to share this heirloom with your family. The ornaments are handcrafted in Israel from select pieces of olive wood, so you can be sure that you are getting a true, authentic heirloom.

The intricate details on each piece ensures a unique and beautiful item that will last for years to come. The all-natural finish brings out the natural beauty of the wood, making every piece a one-of-a-kind treasure. With such excellent craftsmanship and timeless style, these Olive Wood Ornaments from Israel are sure to become a treasured family heirloom.

The incredible olive tree can reach the famous age of 2000 years, hence many of the businesses and traditions related to the olive tree are family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation.

The olive tree can also easily withstand drought, disease and even fire, even greening up after it has gone up in flames. The olive tree can live for many years and, the older they get, the more fruitful and picturesque they become (due to their greater vigor to stand).

This is why we talk about the olive tree becoming an heirloom that is inherited in the family and many children and grandchildren have inherited not only the planting, but also the traditions for processing the wood and fruit of the olive tree, which has become a beautiful ornament of the streets of several cities in Israel and has allowed the creation of some of the most beautiful ornaments and gifts carved in olive wood that can be found.

Let us look at the famous orchard of Gethsemane, which, under the care of the Franciscan community, continues to bear the fruit of thousand-year-old olive trees, which can be faithful witnesses of historical and religious events of universal interest. For this reason, the olive tree is often referred to as a family heirloom.

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