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Types of anointing in the Bible

Types of anointing in the Bible

The Bible shows us several different types of anointing. As a general rule, anointing in the Bible is to set a person apart, to consecrate them to God for a specific reason, ministry or calling. Within this general category, we can see several types of anointing. A person can be set apart for a specific […]

Unlock the Power of Prayer Oil from Jerusalem

Is faith required to use prayer oil?

Prayer oil is considered one of the four most important elements of Christendom along with water, bread and wine. Some persons may prefer to take their oil to the pastor for them to pray over it and consecrate it while others prefer to do this themselves, by asking God to bless and cleanse the oil […]

Use of anointing oil in Old Testament times

Use of anointing oil in Old Testament times

Anointing oil has been used throughout time for different spiritual reasons. In the Old Testament, anointing oil was often used to consecrate kings and priests, and to set apart and dedicate an object to God’s service. It was also used as a symbol of the Holy Spirit coming upon those anointed. Prayer oil Made in […]

Anointing Oil for Spiritual Warfare

Anointing Oil for Spiritual Warfare

We see spiritual warfare in the Bible when someone would be anointed to set them apart, to sanctify that person or group for God and His work. Three classes of people were anointed in ancient Israel, prophets, priests and kings. It is fascinating to read the record of these three groups interceding before God for […]

Praying over your house with oil

Praying over your house with oil

Naturally, we all take measures to protect our homes and our assets. It is for this reason that we have doors and grills, padlocks and even complex security and camera systems. These are also necessary, but make praying over your house with anointing oil the priority. In Psalm 91 we are promised protection from when […]

How should we anoint the sick?

How should we anoint the sick?

While the book of James’ admonition to anoint the sick with oil and pray is well-known, we do not have any direct guidance in Scripture regarding how to go about it. However, we can infer certain things from how anointing was done in the Bible. One of the most striking things we see in Scripture […]

Biblical Anointing with Oil Can Enhance Your Faith

Can anyone anoint with oil?

A common question for a believer to ask is who can anoint with oil? Is it reserved for a special group, or is Biblical anointing open to anyone? In the Hebrew Bible, anointing with oil set apart three groups of people: prophets, priests and kings. Throughout the Hebrew Bible, we see these three groups of […]

Prayer for Healing with Anointing Oil

Prayer for Healing with Anointing Oil

The Prayer for Healing with Anointing Oil buying guide is designed to help you find the perfect prayer for your needs. In this buying guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of anointing oil deliverance, along with the different types and why some may be better suited than others for your individual needs. Benefits of anointing oil […]

Who Should Use Anointing Oil?

Who Should Use Anointing Oil?

For those who are spiritual and take their faith seriously, anointing oil is a must-have in their calling. Prayer oil is a special type of oil originating from the Bible and is used in a series of ceremonies and rituals that are part of the Christian faith. Those who believe and follow the teachings of […]

Is anointing your house with oil Biblical?

Is anointing your house with oil Biblical?

The word “anoint” means to consecrate or make sacred in a ceremony that includes applying oil. It is normally done to dedicate something to the service of God.” Biblical anointing for your home with oils was used to anoint priests and kings, the sick and afflicted but also utensils and furnishings of the tabernacle. While […]

Praying over the oil

Praying over the oil

I Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “Pray without ceasing.” A believer in Christ should go through life in a spirit of prayer. Prayer oils and anointing oils are designed to aid in your meditation on the story of Jesus and the attributes of God. Most of these oils are a blend of olive oil and […]

Prayer oil and worship

Prayer oil and worship

Anointing with oil has been practiced for centuries, with faith ministries often using oil to anoint those being ordained or blessed. If you’re looking for sacred oil to bring to your worship or prayer service, a prayer oil and worship buying guide can help you make the perfect selection. First, consider what oil you’d like […]

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