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Communion Set from Jerusalem

Olive wood Lord’s Supper sets (communion)

If you thought that olive wood carvings were only statuettes of the Nativity or engravings of biblical scenes, I have a surprise for you. Christian artisans in Israel also create olive wood sets to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Made with aged olive wood, they are intended as gifts of faith for all ages and churches […]

What is the Ark of the Covenant?

What is the Ark of the Covenant?

According to scripture, the Ark of the Covenant is an ornate chest – made from acacia wood and covered in gold, with a lid cover, that housed the two tables of the Law given to Moses by God at Mount Sinai. The Ark of the Covenant is also known as the Ark of the Testimony […]

What are the Biblical feasts?

What are the Biblical feasts?

Biblical Feasts were given to the Israelites as a series of reminders of their redemption from Egypt but also as a foreshadowing of the plan of redemption and Jesus’ significant role in our salvation. As outlined in Leviticus, these are the seven Biblical Feasts: Passover- This feast was used to celebrate the final redemption of […]

Importance of the Ten Commandments

Importance of the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles that provide guidance on how to live a moral and ethical life. Here they are: 1. You shall have no other gods before me. 2. You shall not make for yourself an idol or worship any other gods. 3. You shall not take the name of […]

Materials for a Sunday School Teacher

Materials for a Sunday School Teacher

Sunday School teachers are normally special role models especially in the life of children. Each Sunday they try to find creative ways of making the Word of God simple but fun, for eager listeners. Without a doubt, there are several materials out there that can serve as illustrative prompts for lessons or décor for the […]

How to use a clay oil lamp?

How to use a clay oil lamp?

These items are becoming more popular these days, with many new persons becoming enthused about owning clay oil lamps, which are perfect replicas of those found in archaeological digs. In Bible Days, one of the most notable references to lamps was in the parable of the Ten Virgins. As such, if you wish to own […]

The Dove Noah Sent Out and the Olive Branch

The Dove Noah Sent Out and the Olive Branch

Welcome to the wonderful world of Olive Wood from Israel! Whether you are a collector of religious artifacts, a lover of nature, or someone who simply loves beautiful pieces of art, from an Olive Branch from Israel is the perfect purchase for you. The Olive Branch is a truly unique example of nature that captures […]

Gifts for a Bible Student

Gifts for a Bible Student

Let us begin with the obvious. A Bible student needs a Bible or several Bibles for that matter. For example, a Bible written in both Hebrew and English will make a beautiful gift for one who really wants to study God’s Word. A personalized gift means a lot, so if there is the opportunity to […]

Authentic Gifts for Bible Scholars

Authentic Gifts for Bible Scholars

Bible scholars are persons who have done advanced studies of the Bible. These are not necessarily Pastors who tend to focus the theological applications of the Bible, or whose responsibility it is to “shepherd” the flock. Bible scholars tend to focus on the Bible as a book and usually seek to interpret scripture within its […]

Gift for my pastor

What would my pastor love?

What gift for my pastor? If your pastor has dedicated themselves to following and teaching the Bible, then there is no better way to show your appreciation than by giving them a special gift from the Holy Land. Jerusalem is filled with unique items that make excellent presents for pastors, as they will feel connected […]

widow's mite coin

The Humble Widow’s Mite Coin

In Mark 12:42, Jesus watched with His disciples as a poor widow cast two mites into the treasury. In the original Greek, the word translated as mites is lepton. These coins were struck during the time of the Hasmonean ruler of ancient Israel, Alexander Jannaeus. According to the Mishna, the collection of Jewish learning and […]

Are the ancient coins authentic?

Are the ancient coins authentic?

Ancient coins can be some of the oldest and most beautiful souvenirs, featuring some of the most stunning and intricate designs seen on coinage. An authentic ancient coin is really a miniature work of art and depict true antiquity. Ancient coins originating from Jerusalem were major currencies through different time periods stretching across eras to […]

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