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Praying over your house with oil

Praying over your house with oil

Naturally, we all take measures to protect our homes and our assets. It is for this reason that we have doors and grills, padlocks and even complex security and camera systems. These are also necessary, but make praying over your house with anointing oil the priority.

In Psalm 91 we are promised protection from when we dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

We are promised protection from pestilences, terrors by nights, arrows by day, lions and even dragon, however one must claim this protection over your home. One perfect way to do this is by praying over your house with anointed oil.

This is an act of consecrating your home and inviting the Holy Spirit to cleanse and make your space holy. Some persons like to use extra virgin cold-pressed oil for this purpose, since it is the purest form of oil available. Many however prefer to buy an oil that is already scented with frankincense and myrrh, which already has their own biblical significance.

As you prepare to pray over your house with hold, you need to first remove all evil roots like books and movies which are not Christ like. You can then pray aloud in every room and rebuke the power of darkness as you place oil on every door and window frame.

By faith, you then claim God’s supernatural protection over your home.

Are you looking for a unique way to bless and protect your home? Praying over your house with oil from Israel is an biblically based tradition that continues to be practiced in many people of faith in Jesus today. Whether you are a believer in the power of prayer or just looking to add an extra layer of protection to your home, this tradition is a powerful act of faith that can bring peace and comfort to your family.

When purchasing prayer oil for this purpose, it’s important to find a product of the highest quality. Look for an oil from Israel as it holds special significance within the biblical tradition. An oil that is produced from the land of Israel will have a profound spiritual effect that will help to connect your home with the divine.

When you have the right oil in hand, be sure to prepare your home for the process. Gather your family together to collect your thoughts and decide on a prayer that is meaningful to everyone. Once you’re ready, move around your home, pray for protection from various forms of evil, as well as peace and joy.

If you’re looking for a powerful way to bless and protect your home, consider praying over your house with oil from Israel. With the right oil and a special prayer, you can create a sacred space of protection that will bring peace of mind to your family.

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