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Olive Wood Nativity – Our Wedding Gift Treasure

When my husband and I were preparing to get married, I struggled to find the perfect wedding gift for my fiance. We both have a love for the Bible and the Middle East and I knew that I wanted to get something that would be memorable. While wandering the shops in the Old City of Jerusalem I discovered the beautifully carved olive wood nativity sets and knew that they would make the perfect wedding gift.

Olive Wood NativityZak’s Jerusalem Gifts has many styles of nativity sets that are hand carved out of olive wood. What a better reminder of Jesus’ birth than having your own nativity made from olive wood from Bethlehem? Every year when I set up our nativity, I feel like I am touching a piece of history.

As I look at the carved figures I am reminded of the story of the shepherds in the nearby fields watching over their flocks. As I set up the angels I am reminded of the wonderful proclamation the angels gave to the shepherds foretelling the birth of our Savior and Lord.

Wise men, coming from the East, line up to praise and worship the newborn king. Meanwhile, Mary and Joseph gaze at Jesus, lying in a manager. The God of the universe, the creator of the heavens and the earth, the awesome and powerful God, now resting in the arms of the young virgin.

And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:7) 

This nativity is so much more than a Christmas decoration. It is a physical reminder of the birth of Christ. Each year when my children help set up the nativity, I will be able to tell them the story of the birth of Jesus, and how His birth and resurrection has transformed our lives forever. This nativity will be loved and treasured in our family due to the message and hope that it represents. I am proud to one day pass this nativity down to our children and their children for generations to come. But more importantly, I am excited for the opportunity to share the love and grace of Jesus to all that will listen as we talk about our nativity from Bethlehem.

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