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Is anointing your house with oil Biblical?

Is anointing your house with oil Biblical?

The word “anoint” means to consecrate or make sacred in a ceremony that includes applying oil. It is normally done to dedicate something to the service of God.” Biblical anointing for your home with oils was used to anoint priests and kings, the sick and afflicted but also utensils and furnishings of the tabernacle.

While the Bible specifically recommends anointing for sick and afflicted persons, where we are to call for the elders for this holy task, there is no recommendation about anointing your house. Welcome God into your home:

2 Chronicles 7:15-16 “Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will be there for all time.”

Persons may feel the need to anoint their house for peaceful rest and protection. Others may want to remove the influence of demonic spirits, while others want to dedicate their humble abodes to God’s purpose. Nothing in scripture commands that persons should anoint their homes but nothing in scripture forbids this act either.

As such, there is no reason why persons should not anoint their houses with anointing oil, as long as they remember that this is only a symbolic act.

Remember, it is the Anointed One who truly covers and protects. So go ahead and anoint your doorways and window sills as you plead the blood of Jesus over every corner of your house.

Anointing your house with oil is a tradition that dates back to Biblical times. In Scripture, the anointing of oil is associated with joy and special occasions. It is a way to sanctify an event or space, and it can also be seen as a way to offer protection and blessings on a home or a person.

Whether you are looking to bless your home or honor a special occasion, anointing your house with oil can be a meaningful way to embrace the spiritual tradition of Biblical times. To ensure you’re getting the best quality oil, be sure to buy one made in the Holy Land of Israel. This ensures that you are getting the best quality and most authentic product. The oil should be unadulterated and pure, so be sure to check the ingredients list to make sure the oil is not blended with other substances.

When looking for an anointing oil, consider a product that includes a unique writing style. Some oils will come with a special poem or prayer that helps to set the tone for the blessing and amplifies its spiritual power.

For anyone looking to anoint their home or themselves according to Biblical tradition, be sure to purchase anointing oil that is made in Israel and comes with a special writing style. Doing this will ensure you are getting the most authentic and powerful product that you can use to sanctify your home or recognize a special event.

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