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The Meal that Heals – The LORD’s Supper

In the Bible, olive wood carries a special meaning. For instance, the cherubim on the mercy seat inside the holy place were made of olive wood. In the book of Exodus, Moses was instructed by God Himself as to the pattern of the objects in the tabernacle.

The cherubim were carved angels seated on the mercy seat, one on both sides and facing each other with their wings outstretched. We see a hint of this in the Gospel of John and the resurrection story. Mary looked into Jesus’ tomb and saw two angels. One was seated at the head, and the other at the feet of the place where Jesus’ body had been. His death was our mercy seat!

After Jesus died, according to the book of Hebrews, He entered once into the holy place in Heaven, having obtained redemption for us. No doubt He stood before the altar in Heaven and saw two cherubim like the ones that God had commanded His followers to make on earth.

Lord's Supper Set

A short time before He went into the heavenly holy place, He sat with His disciples at supper in Jerusalem, and uttered these memorable words “this is my body which is broken for you” and “this is my blood which is shed for you.” In I Corinthians, Paul tells us that we are to partake of communion to show, or proclaim publicly, our Lord’s atoning death until He returns. It is a way for you the believer to demonstrate the Savior’s death on Calvary and your faith in His resurrection from the dead.

Jesus commanded regarding communion: “Do this in remembrance of me.” What better way to follow our Lord’s desire and remember His death than with a communion set made from olive wood from the holy land? At Zak’s Jerusalem Gifts on Christian Quarter Road in the Old City, you can find a variety of handcrafted communion sets made by artisans in Jesus’ earthly birthplace of Bethlehem.

Any one of these communion sets will be perfect as a gift for a friend of family member. Whether you use it privately or in a group setting, as you hold the delicate olive wood in your hand, you can remember both Jesus’ death and His atonement before the olive wood cherubim on the mercy seat in Heaven.

Partake of The Lord’s Supper with our exclusive olive wood Communion sets made in the birthplace of our Messiah Jesus. Our Lord said at the Last supper “DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME”

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